International Market Information System
Welcome to IMIS
About Us
International Market Information System (IMIS) is an international market research organization with 25 years experience in research, consulting and publications. The organization, originally a project of the Southern Consortium for International Education, was recognized for its contributions to national export development in the President's E-Star Award to Georgia State University in 1986.
Today, IMIS is an independent international consultancy firm based in Atlanta. Our research capabilities have expanded from export development to full range of international business and international trade activities, including the fields of mergers & acquisitions, countertrade & offsets, and management training. IMIS can help your company compete and succeed globally. At present, IMIS acts also as a finder of real estate investors for major properties in the U.S. and abroad. Alexandrides has a close relationship with the World Trade Centers Association since its establishment in 1970 as a development advisor, committee member and instructor at the World Trade Institute. WTCA is the largest trade organization in the world with 333 WTCs in 100 countries.
Alexandrides began his career at the United Nations as an economic development officer in Korea and subsequently served as a UN correspondent and as an advisor to UN delegations for a total of fifteen years. He maintains his contacts at the UN, because it is the best global resource of statistical information on international trade and investment. The UN statistical office is the only source for competitive information in terms of market shares in most countries. The country statistical offices report on the import and export data between two countries.
Alexandrides has participated in the organizing committee for the U.S.-Saudi Arabia Business Opportunities Forum which is designed to expand trade and investment of small and medium-sized companies between U.S. and Saudi Arabia. Three such forums have been held in Chicago, Atlanta and Los Angeles with the average participation of 300 Saudi top business and government organizations, 700 U.S. and 100 international companies. In addition to the Davos type forum, the events emphasize matchmaking meetings between U.S. and Saudi SMEs for the purpose of establishing partnerships on mutual benefit with the support of their respective governments.
Alexandrides began his career at the United Nations as an economic development officer in Korea and subsequently served as a UN correspondent and as an advisor to UN delegations for a total of fifteen years. He maintains his contacts at the UN, because it is the best global resource of statistical information on international trade and investment. The UN statistical office is the only source for competitive information in terms of market shares in most countries. The country statistical offices report on the import and export data between two countries.
Alexandrides has participated in the organizing committee for the U.S.-Saudi Arabia Business Opportunities Forum which is designed to expand trade and investment of small and medium-sized companies between U.S. and Saudi Arabia. Three such forums have been held in Chicago, Atlanta and Los Angeles with the average participation of 300 Saudi top business and government organizations, 700 U.S. and 100 international companies. In addition to the Davos type forum, the events emphasize matchmaking meetings between U.S. and Saudi SMEs for the purpose of establishing partnerships on mutual benefit with the support of their respective governments.
IMIS has performed export development projects for 15 U.S. States under a grant of the U.S. Department of Commerce as well as the governments of Greece, China and Japan. IMIS has also assisted in the export and offset operations of multinationals, defense and aerospace corporations and export companies. These firms include:
Coca-Cola Caterpillar World Trade Corporation Centennial Olympic Games FMC |
ITT/Sheraton Japan External Trade Organization Litton Industries McGraw-Edison |
Nissho Iwai Corporation
Westinghouse World Trade Centers Association Zeritis Group of Companies |
AT THE ANNUAL WORLD TRADE CENTERS MEETING in Trieste, Italy, Alexandrides with WTCA President Guy F. Tozzoli and Board Chariman Antonio Trueba. Alexandrides is one of the few members involved with WTCA since its inception in New York in 1970. WTC has a global membership of over one million members in 100 countries.
News and Articles
A selected number of articles pertinent to the work of IMIS as well as news items are attached.
The Internationalization of Atlanta and Georgia
You Don't Have to Be A Genius to Find Your Export Markets
The U.S.-Saudi Business Opportunities Forum in Atlanta
The Internationalization of Atlanta and Georgia
You Don't Have to Be A Genius to Find Your Export Markets
The U.S.-Saudi Business Opportunities Forum in Atlanta