Countertrade & Offsets
Many of today's most promising growth markets are in the BRIC countries; innovative reciprocal trade strategies, such as counterpurchase, buyback and trade switching, are the methods one can use to enter those markets. Firms making large public sector defense or civilian sales frequently face demands for offsets, which require careful planning because of the high value and complexity of the transactions. IMIS can assist you in planning and organizing for countertrade and offset transactions, becoming familiar with government regulations on countertrade/offsets, preparing offset bids, locating subcontractors and joint venture partners, and finding suitable counterpurchase products. We can also identify potential high technology projects and joint ventures, if your offset requires technology transfer. IMIS has access to a countertrade database containing records of hundreds of countertrade and offset transactions, with information on transaction type, value, and participating companies and governments. This data can be used for research on specific countries and products traded, or to locate companies with export credits in particular countries, companies that may need partners or subcontractors in offsets.
If you are faced with the challenge of accepting unfamiliar products in countertrade, or with implementing an indirect offset program that is not related to your line of business, we can advise strategies and make contacts that will help your reciprocal trade transactions successful. We have also published a book, Countertrade Practices, Strategies and Tactics (C.G. Alexandrides and Barbara L. Bowers; pub. John Wiley & Sons, 1987), that contains valuable information on reciprocal trade. Alexandrides is the speaker on offsets for IBC World Conferences and SMI of London.
If you are faced with the challenge of accepting unfamiliar products in countertrade, or with implementing an indirect offset program that is not related to your line of business, we can advise strategies and make contacts that will help your reciprocal trade transactions successful. We have also published a book, Countertrade Practices, Strategies and Tactics (C.G. Alexandrides and Barbara L. Bowers; pub. John Wiley & Sons, 1987), that contains valuable information on reciprocal trade. Alexandrides is the speaker on offsets for IBC World Conferences and SMI of London.
AT THE ATLANTA WORLD TRADE CENTER, Chairman of the Board Andrew Young, former UN Ambassador and Mayor of Atlanta with Alexandrides. Ambassador Young has assisted U.S. companies to do business in developing countries, especially Africa. Alexandrides has advised governments and companies on export strategies and in the use of countertrade and offsets for economic development.